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“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.” ~Malcolm Forbes

I spent a little time reading up on Malcomb Forbes this week. What a guy. So successful on so many levels by so many standards. Personally, I am most impressed by his attitude as opposed to his achievements. His humility is remarkable and something we could all strive to become.

Here are some more wise words from Malcolm:

“Keeping score of old scores and scars, getting even and one-upping, always makes you less than you are.” 

Got a grudge against someone? Let it go. No matter how well justified it may be, it ain’t worth draggin’ that weight around.

“Being right half the time beats being half-right all the time.” 

It’s a lot easier to avoid acquiring grudges if you also release your need to be right, generally just in order to feel good enough. Everybody wants to feel good enough and to be right (at least most of the time). it’s the needingto be right that’ll sink your relationships.

Whether they be personal or professional, the unwillingness to admit mistakes, or to find a middle ground, undermines trust in relationships like termites undermine a foundation.

“Everybody has to be somebody to somebody, in order to be anybody.” 

You are not an island, a rock, a loner. We are all in relationship to others. All the time.

We must recognize that.

It’s up to us to become somebody’s somebody. Not their everything, their something.

Even Tom Hanks had Wilson on the island.

“People who matter are most aware that everyone else does too.” ~Malcolm Forbes