“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” ~Jeff Bezo
What brand of coffee do you buy—and why?
How about clothing, cars, or candy?
Branding companies and services abound to help people and companies identify, refine and promote their brand so you’ll remember it, want it, and buy it.
According to the experts, a brand identity should tell people who you are, what you do, and why you do it.
That’s a tall order to try and sum up in a short sentence or phrase, which is why it’s so difficult to do—and so pricey to hire others to help you.
Here’s the thing, though: you already have a brand, whether you’ve articulated it or not.
It’s what you value, what you stand for, and why. It reflects your character.
Putting a name to your personal brand clarifies and energizes. It sharpens your focus and pinpoints your aim.
Like Nike. Just do it.
If focus is your goal, and your aim is the mechanism you use, your brand is the fuel that propels you forward.
Best you name it for yourself, or else others will do it for you.
“Everyone has a personal brand—by design or default.” ~Lida Citroen