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“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” ~Louisa May Alcott

Decades ago a mentor of mine asked me a question. We were discussing my career aspirations.

“So, what do you want?” he asked.

Simple enough question, though I have learned in the thirty years since he asked it of me, just how much the answers it prompts reveal about the people of whom I now ask it.

Back then, I hemmed and hawed, clearer at that time about what I didn’t want than what I did.

He challenged me: “I think you know exactly what you want. You just haven’t given yourself permission to want it.”

This was a new concept for me at the time: that desire requires permission before it can become a reality.

Sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by the number of people who relinquish their dreams, just because they don’t see how on earth they can get from where they are to where they want to be.

They get stuck on the apparent impossibility of their dream; since they don’t see how it can happen, they deem it a foolish desire. “Oh, that’ll never happen….”

Here’s my perspective. You don’t need to know how what you want will come to fruition.

The only thing you need to know is what you want, why it’s important to you, and—here’s the kicker—does it serve humanity in some way?

Because we know a clear vision fueled by a strong purpose motivates people. Add in an altruistic component and you have a recipe that powers perseverance in the face of endless obstacles.

And miracles are made through their efforts.

And they don’t have to be BIG miracles, just everyday little miracles that make you smile, that warm your heart and lift your spirit.

So: What do you want?

And: Have you granted yourself permission to want it?

Because the world needs your dreams, your efforts, and your miracles—now more than ever.

It takes looking up to be able to find them.